The common rate of passage of a Shodan exam is around 50%. To have all three candidates from NIKI pass together was a great accomplishment for the school and I appreciate the efforts of these guys and everyone who trains with us and pushes us on to greater goals. With three new black belts we matures significantly and immediately as a club and we can best use this momentum to build the group and club from within. As new black belts, Steve, Coy and Reed are accepting greater responsibility for the promotion and promulgation of our Karate in our club and in our region. Each now has their role or roles to fill, whether it be by example, as Sempai, as teacher, as judge, as student, as athlete or as artist. CONGRATULATIONS, GREAT JOB and BEST OF LUCK with your journey!
The STUDENT OF THE MONTH for March is Steve Bellingham. Steve is one of our newest black belts (see above). He tested in Greenville, MS this pass weekend and did an outstanding job. Way to go Steve! He and his sons, Reed and Nicholas, participate in many of the karate events thoughout the year. They are very enthusiastic and dedicated karateka. Congratulations, Steve, on your karate accomplishments and good luck on your future karate achievements. As a recipient of the March award, he is now eligible for the Student of the Year Award given every December. Keep up the hard work and keep the school spirit high.
2008 ALL SOUTH Karate TOURNAMENT. The 44th annual All South Karate Tournament will be held in New Orleans at the University of New Orleans Health & Physical Education Center on April 5th. Students should begin training especially hard for competition. Sensei Scott has kata videos for purchase. The videos follow the Best Karate Series. This is just another tool available for you to perfect your strength and technique. Students are encouraged to participate in the tournaments given throughout the year. It’s a fun way to test your skills against other karate clubs. If you’re not comfortable with participating in the tournament, you may attend as a spectator to get an idea of what a tournament is like and support the karate club. Also, if any adults are interested in running a table at the tournament, please see Sensei Scott for more information.
REMINDER. The GASSUKU 2008 is scheduled for MARCH 29th and 30th. Get your gear ready and check with Sensei Scott for registration forms.