Here are the results from the test. I appreciate all the effort the students put into preparing for the test. If you click on the image it will enlarge. The beginner and intermediate students did well on their test. The more advanced students still need a lot of work as black belt candidates. If you missed the test for any reason, please let me know. There will be a make up test in a couple of weeks. Thanks everybody,
Sensei Scott
P.S. We will be publishing our holiday schedule in the next couple of weeks here on the website and at the dojo. Please check back.
The New Iberia Karate Institute (NIKI) is the oldest and only traditional karate club in the city and parish. It was first established in 1973. The Chief Examiner is Takayuki Mikami, 9th Dan and the Chief Instructor is Mr. Scott Decuir, 6th Dan. Mr. Decuir has been certified by the JKA as an instructor, examiner and judge. This blog is an opportunity for members and friends of the dojo to get information on Karate and events and interact with each other and Sensei.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Friday, September 1, 2017
Update on the dojo. We did get some high water, but thankfully none got in the dojo. Thanks for your concerns and your patience at weathering the storm. Classes will resume as normal. Remember that Monday is Labor Day and we will have no Karate on this holiday. Everyone try to make a few Friday classes to make it up. Thanks and Happy Labor Day! OSU, Sensei Scott
Monday, August 28, 2017
The roads around the karate school are badly flooded and so is the parking lot at the karate school. So, reluctantly, we are going to have to cancel class for tonight at Karate. This is certainly in the best interest of self defense. We have not gotten any water inside the dojo yet, but it has come up close to the door. Sorry for the inconvenience and I will see you all next class. Stay safe and dry.

Sunday, August 6, 2017
Thank you to everyone for a very successful karate camp and test. Although we had fewer participants this year, the camp was smooth and very spirited. The graphic below are the results of your Kyu Test. If you click on the image, it will get bigger and easier to read. I thought everyone did well and made at least some progress. Not everyone that tested this weekend earned their next belt, but everyone got better and that is what really counts. If everyone was always promoted on every test than the ranks and the test would mean nothing. It takes real effort and hard work to achieve in karate, but all the students at NIKI have what it takes to succeed. I would also like to acknowledge some new black belt ranks achieved. Lori Dartez earned her Shodan (1st degree black belt). Dr. LeAndre Odom and Marco Flores both achieved Nidan (2nd degree black belt). These are very difficult accomplishments and lifetime achievements, so please let them know how proud you are of them. I am proud of all the students who tested this weekend for their effort and ability to endeavor. We do have a few small camp t shirts available at the dojo for $20 each if you would like to purchase one and help out the JKAAF team. Thank you again. OSU, Sensei Scott
Thursday, August 3, 2017
The location of the Karate Camp / Test has changed. The camp and test times are still the same. The camp strarts August 4 at 6 pm and the kyu test is Sunday, August 6 at 11:15 am. It will be at the Domingue Recreation Center, 901 Mudd Avenue, Lafayette, LA 70501. I am sorry for informing you of this at the last minute, but I just found out late yesterday. Please make a note for your calendar and GPS. The directions from New Iberia are simple. Take US90 to Lafayette, Turn right on Mudd Avenue, the location is a few blocks down on the left hand side of the road. If you click on the map it will enlarge. Thank you.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
The 2017 Acadiana / Lafayette Karate camp is scheduled for August 4-6, 2017. Please find attached a copy of the camp packet to fill out for participation. Camp Packet This year's camp will be a fundraiser for the JKAAF team traveling to Ireland to represent the organization. Please make every effort to attend this important event. OSU, Sensei Scott
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Here are the result from the Kyu Belt test today. If you click on the image it will become larger and easier to read. Everyone made some progress and did well. If you didn't get the grade you were hoping for, please ask Sensei or one of the other black belts for help and they will make sure you get the information and advice you need to help improve your next test. Thanks everyone, OSU.
Sensei Scott
Sensei Scott
Friday, January 27, 2017
Happy New Year
I have posted our end of the year review for 2016 and you can find it by clicking here or on the banner on the right lower side of this page. I will try to get the information out to everyone next week. For those of you who were not aware, Celine Flores was the Student of the Year for 2016. Thanks to everyone for a great year. Train hard in 2017! OSU, Sensei Scott
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