Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Thanks to everyone who came to karate last night.  We had 11 total members who trained.  Unfortunately, I did not realize I had to daily schedule the zoom meeting, so we played our zoom to no one apparently.  I am sorry and I am trying to understand how to do these meeting effectively.

Anyway, it should work now with the same address 819 257 9284 with PW still NIKI.  If it doesn’t work, please let me know and I will try to see what I can do to make it easier to access.

I look forward to seeing all the kids tonight or seeing you all on zoom.  Please note, the zoom classes are no longer interactive, so I can’t see you when you look at the training.  So please at least watch the classes to keep your spirits up when it comes to your training.

Thanks again and sorry for the mixup last night,


Sensei Scott